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New Lifestyle Pathways

We will launch our new lifestyle medicine pathways throughout this year. These pathways are a set of recommendations for patients who are experiencing different types of symptoms.

What can you expect? If you have been a patient at Coze Health Medical, you can expect to receive the same services but will notice a few extra opportunities.

Most of the services included in a pathway will be covered by your insurance with allowable coinsurance, copays, or applied to your deductible -- which means, if you have an HSA or HRA plan, then you can use this as a form of payment. We can provide a reasonable estimate of your service cost upon request.

A lifestyle pathway will consist of the following:


The aim of the pathway is to help you know which services we offer that will help you to find your optimal health.

PREVENTIVE PATHWAY: All patients are enrolled in this pathway. Your diagnoses at your intake will determine if there is a more appropriate pathway for you.

STEP 1: Your initial appointment is your intake visit. This is subject to coinsurance, copays, and deductibles.

STEP 2: Your annual visioning appointment with the health coach will allow you to process the care plan developed at your intake visit and develop SMART goals.

STEP 3: Your annual preventive health exam will be scheduled at your intake appointment. This is typically covered (except for grandfathered plans that are exempt from Affordable Care Act provisions).

STEP 4: Get your preventive labs done.

Each year, if you do not have any active problems, we will schedule you for your annual visioning appointment and preventive health exam.

OTHER PATHWAYS: If your preventive labs show a change in your health, or if you have active problems that you are seeking treatment for, then you will be eligible for a different pathway. These pathways are tailored to specific problems.


You will still receive all of the services in the preventive pathway, but you may have more follow-ups scheduled with the provider, and a more comprehensive set of diagnostic labs.

The cost of labs vary greatly and can range from a few dollars to thousands of dollars. We can provide a lab order that you can share with your insurance representative if you need a quote before getting your lab done. Some of our recommended labs are not covered by insurance (ie., extensive nutritional panels (* covered by Medicare Part B), genetic panels).

We offer a variety of support with the health coach (weekly, monthly, or quarterly), and shared medical appointments with preventive or management themes (ie., mood support, diabetes prevention, diabetes management).



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